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15+ Celebrities with Teeth Implants Before and After

Antlara Dental Clinic - Lara, Antalya, Turkey

The necessity of dental implants rather than their aesthetic appeal makes them the treatment of choice. Many prominent figures utilise dental implants to not only restore the natural structure of their teeth but also enhance their appearance. Behind the scenes, implants have advantages that are just as noticeable as their more obvious aesthetic benefits. Implants, when placed in the back teeth in particular, significantly improve the jaw's aesthetics by bolstering its brittle, porous bone structure.

Below is a compilation of celebrities who have undergone dental implant procedures to enhance their smiles. Take a look at their implant stories to delve deeper into their transformative experiences.

Morgan Freeman:

celebrities with teeth implants before and after morgan freeman

Morgan Freeman did not deem it necessary to rectify his dental condition until 2008, when he was 71 years old. It is plausible that he believed his misaligned teeth added to his charm and therefore made a conscious decision to forgo dental implants. It appears that Freeman, who had a tooth implanted in 2008 to fix a chipped tooth, opted for veneers and teeth whitening to enhance the appearance of his remaining teeth. The Hollywood star's new teeth mimic the classic Hollywood smile, with progressively shorter teeth towards the back.

Christie Brinkley:

celebrities with teeth implants before and after Chiristian Berkley

The famous model lost two molars after consecutive helicopter and motorbike accidents in 1994. Even though Berkley had planned to get veneers to fix lingual inclination of her maxillary molars before the accident, she seems to have opted for a Hollywood-smile that works with her jaw. A work ahead of its time for those years.

Ed Helms:

celebrities with teeth implants before and after Ed Helms

If you have never heard of Ed having a naturally split tooth, you might think that he has lost one of his teeth. However, this is not the case, Ed has never lost any of his teeth. As is apparent from the photograph, he has received orthodontic treatment for the gap between his side incisors and front teeth. However, this is insufficient, and Ed has preferred implants since a young age, as shown in his college photographs.

Steven Tyler:

celebrities with teeth implants before and after Steven Tyler

"Nothing but the tooth" This was the headline of the Daily Mail on October 27, 2011. The newspaper reported that Staven had taken a nasty fall after his morning bath. Despite suffering severe facial and body bruises, Staven appeared unconcerned about anything other than cracking a tooth in the accident. The implant work appears to have succeeded in retaining his natural shade of teeth. Stave's photographs from his youth provide evidence that his teeth, which are perfectly straight, likely underwent a veneer treatment.

Mike Tyson:

celebrities with teeth implants before and after Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson's split teeth are like his signature, and he has never considered any restoration on them. Many celebrities seem to enjoy the trend of split teeth, which is a matter of personal style. Indeed, they appear quite satisfactory.

celebrities with teeth implants before and after

According to Kiki, Tyson's wife, his pet tiger Kenya knocked him out and required dental implants after he lost two front teeth. His new porcelain implants are readily discernible from his original teeth.

Tom Cruise:

celebrities with teeth implants before and after Tom Cruise

Photographs of the renowned actor's early years and adolescence reveal that one of his anterior teeth is fractured by over 50%. At this stage of the fracture, the dental nerves are exposed and unable to nourish the tooth. Tom Cruise has been mum on the matter, but it is safe to assume that he got an implant for his broken front tooth. Additionally, veneers that he had placed to correct his smile design are visible on his straight teeth. However, his smile line does not align with the centre of his front teeth.

50 Cent:

celebrities with teeth implants before and after 50 Cent

As a result of 50 Cent's bullet in 2000, he lost one of his wisdom teeth. Fifty Cent's journey with dental implants and veneers appears to have begun following this significant street incident. After getting dental implants, he appears to cover all of his teeth with veneers. Looking for a lighter shade, 50 Cent seems to have accentuated the concave side cutting pliers.

Shane MacGowan:

celebrities with teeth implants before and after Shane MacGowan

Shane MacGowan is widely recognised in the media due to his dental issues, making him a highly prominent figure. The Express reports that the renowned singer underwent dental implants for all of his teeth and spent £70,000 on the procedure. According to The Express newspaper, excessive alcohol consumption, particularly during the Christmas season, weakens the teeth and accelerates tooth decay. The article also mentions how excessive alcohol consumption affects the Irish artist.

Nicholas Cage

celebrities with teeth implants before and after Nicholas Cage

You will have to strain your eyes while searching the internet for a picture of a young Nicholas Cage smiling. It was likely due to his teeth. The first photograph taken in the early 1990s probably corresponds to the time before dental implants were inserted. At that time, it was necessary to wait about 8 years for dental implants. In the later pictures of Nicholas Cage, we can easily understand that the gum line of the implanted tooth is higher than the natural gum line. Here we can see the telltale sign of a dental implant.

Gary Busey

celebrities with teeth implants before and after Gary Busey

Have there been times when you didn't know what to do, what to ask, or what to answer. At these times all you have to do is simile, says the famous singer in a TikTok video. Gary lost several teeth in a car accident years ago, and it was none other than dental implants that brought happiness to his unfading face. Following the accident, Gary's posterior and incisors—which had been concealed in the darkened areas of his mouth—were exposed.

Jim Carrey:

celebrities with teeth implants before and after Jim Carrey

The abundance of photos documenting Jim Carry's youth and adolescence facilitates our investigation into his dental history. It appears that Jim Carry's central incisors, which he broke when he was a kid, stuck with him into adulthood. Even though he had veneers for his front teeth when he was younger, it is clear that he intentionally broke his tooth in one of his later films.

Jim's recent photographs indicate that veneers were subsequently affixed to his anterior teeth. These veneers are truly remarkable; they are a rare example of dental art. As they go down the tooth, the veneers become progressively whiter, creating an exact replica of the tooth's natural shape. Jim's teeth numbers 6 and 7 show significant gum exposure, pointing to a crown over there. Furthermore, the photographs of Jim's childhood highlight the existence of significant issues in this region.

Freddie Freeman:

celebrities with teeth implants before and after Freddie Freeman

In 2017, the renowned baseball player first experienced the use of dental implants after his tooth was fractured due to a powerful impact during a game. But it appears that before or after the implant, he favoured long, thin veneers for the top teeth, and shorter ones for the bottom teeth. Freddie may have made such a choice to hide his gummy smile in his youth.

Hilary Duff:

celebrities with teeth implants before and after Hilary Duff

Although there are rumours that Hillary Duff lost a tooth as a result of an accident and had an implant, there is insufficient evidence to verify this. On the other hand, her pearly whites are clearly fake when we compare the photos of her from when she was younger to the one from 2009. Nonetheless, it is evident that she subsequently had all of the lengthy veneers extracted and replaced with shorter ones. We can not make out the tips of her teeth in this shot, and the size of the veneers becomes more apparent with wider smiles.

Kerry Katona:

celebrities with teeth implants before and after Kerry Katona

Kerry Katona is yet another of our artists who favours Turkey as the location for her implants and veneers. In the television programmes he attended, Kerry, who concealed his arrival in Turkey from the press, elucidates his tears of joy following the implant and veneer treatments he underwent. In addition to the removal of two wisdom teeth and their subsequent implantation in the renowned artist, veneers were employed to shape other teeth.

Cristiano Ronaldo:

celebrities with teeth implants before and after Cristiano Ronaldo

The well-documented dental transformation of the famous football player involved the correction of his gummy smile and misaligned teeth through the use of ceramic braces and veneers. Additionally, Cristiano Ronaldo underwent a procedure to place implants in his lateral incisors. This comprehensive dental work has enhanced the harmony between his teeth and his oral and mandibular anatomy, further solidifying his status as the preferred choice among football enthusiasts.

Howie Mandel:

celebrities with teeth implants before and after Howie Mandel

The well-known comic made the statement while speaking with Dear Doctor. "I love going the dentist. It's like a party and I get a little gift bag afterwards. I've had implants, I have veneers. I've had root canals. I've had everything that you could possibly have done." He seemed to have bleached just his side incisors which appears to necessitate a slight extension.

Today, implant treatments have become significantly safer due to advanced imaging and intraoral scanning devices. It is crucial to select an experienced clinic equipped with the latest technological equipment for this treatment, which is recognized as a safe treatment by the American Dental Association (ADA).

Keys to dental implant success:

There are basically four essential components of dental implant treatment: the dentist's experience, material quality, treatment hygiene, and the efficacy of diagnostic tools.

The expertise of the dentist can protect you from numerous potential complications during the treatment process. Additionally, maintaining necessary protection and hygiene during treatment is vital to prevent the spread of germs to other parts of the mouth or body. The effectiveness of the imaging equipment used in the treatment aids the dentist in accurately diagnosing sinuses, nerves, and other sensitive areas, thereby minimizing the risk of incorrect application. Lastly, the quality of the materials used plays a crucial role in the longevity of the treatment.

At Antlara Dental, we excel in all the aforementioned aspects. We provide comprehensive warranty services to our patients, utilizing Straumann-quality materials and sophisticated diagnostic devices. Our team of dentists, with 20 to 30 years of experience in the field, ensures the highest standard of care in every treatment we perform.

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