What is Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics Treatment)?
Root canal treatment is needed when the nerve of a tooth is affected by decay or infection. In order to save the tooth, the pulp (the living tissue inside the tooth), nerves, bacteria, and any decay are removed and the resulting space is filled with special, medicated, dental materials, which restore the tooth to its full function.
Root Canal Treatment in Turkey
What should be considered about endodontics (root canal treatment) in dental prodecures in Antalya, Turkey?
In root canal treatment, called endodontics, the dentist removes the dead tissues and shapes the infected area to place inert material, which makes the tooth function better. Patients may want to get rid of infections beneath the tooth, but they can`t determine the scope of this treatment- the treatment may also require a crown or more surgery. So it is better to find a dentist who can meet every dental surgical need.
At Antlara Dental, we provide all of your dental needs with our strong team of orthodontists, endodontists, oral diagnosist, and cosmetic dentists.
What is a Root Canal?
Despite widespread false information about it, root canal treatment is an effective treatment model and a precaution against other diseases and decay. The tooth is fed from a pulp at the epicenter of the tooth during the growth period. This pulp, which consists of blood vessels, nerves, and soft tissues, can be infected with bacteria or germs through deep cavities.
Free Appointment - endodontics treatment (root canal treatment)
You can make a free appointment below to have a endodontics treatment (root canal treatment) in Antalya.
25+ years of dental treatment experience and professional patient services.
The infection should immediately be cleaned and disinfected to prevent possible spread. It can be noticed with an x-ray or with certain symptoms like swelling, pain, or abscesses. Removing the soft tissue from the tooth doesn’t hinder the nourishment of the tooth, as a grown tooth can continue feeding itself through surrounding tissues.
When is a Root Canal Treatment Required?
"When is root canal treatment required?" and "what causes root canal?" questions are among the topics that our patients are curious about. In most cases, the infection is not realized and is usually ignored as it increases with asymptomatic or mild symptoms. However, they have often noticed if an abscess pops up, or a cavity occurs inside the teeth. The infection can be found if the patient experience certain teeth problems such as;
- An increase in the tooth sensitivity against hot and cold liquids.
- An unbearable pain happens during chewing or eating.
- If you are experiencing pimples on your gums.
- Your teeth begin to crack.
- Swelling around the teeth.
- Deep decay.

If not cleaned properly, root canal infections may cause some critical health problems such as;
- Swelling beneath your cheeks may spread to other parts of your body, such as the neck, face, or head.
- The decay at the center of the tooth may cause irrevocable bone loss.
- The infection may leak from the root canal toward the gum or skin.

How long does a Root Canal Take?
Root canal treatment is not a time-consuming treatment. Simple cases can be solved in a matter of half hour with one appointment. But complex cases or multiple root canal treatments take longer than one hour and require two appointments.
The earlier the inspection, the shorter the treatment is. During the first appointment, the rotten tissues are taken out, and antibacterial medication is administered to ensure healthy tooth structure. At the subsequent appointment, the dentist checks the removal of bacteria and germs before placing fillings in the root canal.
What should I do after root canal treatment?
Patients should be careful during the recovery period. To provide the fastest and painless healing, the dentist prescribes some medicine and orders a 'to-do list`.
- Stay away eating for sometime
Root canal treatment is administered with local anesthesia, so you shouldn't eat or bite anything until the numbness and tenderness are lost. - Use painkiller
The soreness and swelling may happen after the treatment, and they may hinder you from having a good sleep. You can take painkillers like ibuprofen or anti-inflammatory medicines. - Use salted water
Salt can prevent all possible infections during the healing period. So prepare a mix with a cup of warm water and half a teaspoon of salt. - Ice cream and cold compress If swelling occurs after the treatment-which is highly possible, eating ice cream will be an effective and easy solution to deal with such problems,
- Avoid some certain things
During the healing period, the patient should avoid anything that may cause inflammation. Your dentist will give you a full list of them, but here are some; - Hot drinks,
- Alcohol,
- Smoking,
- Foods.
What does Root Canal Treatment involve?
In the first step, the dentist takes x-ray shots of the affected tooth to determine the treatment and extent of it. If a root canal treatment is inevitable, the patient will undergo the following process.

1. Local Anesthesia
Local anesthesia numbs the surroundings of infected teeth, not the whole mouth. If the patient shows anxiety, oral sedatives like nitrous oxide are administered to the patient.
2. Rubber Dam Placement
A rubber dam is inserted inside the mouth to keep it dry and isolate the infected area.
3. Opening Access Hole On the Tooth
The decayed pulp at the tooth's center is removed through this hole.
4. Cleaning The Infected Pulp
This stage requires some qualified expertise as all of the infected tissues should be removed with tiny dental instruments.
5. Shaping the Hole
The dentist widens the hole to prepare to fill it.
7. Filling the Canal
The canal which is prepared for the last stage is filled with a kind of dental material named gutta-percha.
8. Final Restoration
Many patients would like to have a dental crown during root canal treatment. The crowns are specifically crafted for the infected tooth.
How long is Root Canal Treatment Effective For?
To answer this question, a group of scientists conducted research on 487,476 patients using the Kaplan-Meier method -a scientific method using mathematical variations to calculate the long-term results of a survey.
According to the research; %86 of root canal treatments survive more than 10 years.
Another significant outcome of the research is that if the treatment is done by an endodontist rather than a general dentist, the success rate significantly increases. At Antlara Dental, our experts have every aspect of dental surgery. In regard to your endodontic treatment needs, Dr. Ozge Can Oztekin and Orthodontist Ugur Agar will accompany you.
How much is a Root Canal in Turkey?
The root canal cost varies significantly for the type of tooth. For example, the price is usually higher for molars.
According to American Dental Association
- In the United States, prices vary from $650 to $1100 for a single front tooth. For molars, the price varies from $850 to $1500.
- The price in Germany varies between €400 and €600.
- The price in England varies between £ 300 and £700.
The total cost of a root canal in Turkey is much lower than that in Europe since wages in Turkey much lower than in Europe. The clinics don`t charge too much. Besides that, the government also reduced the tax rates for the benefit of health tourism-which caused the price to fall significantly.
- The root canal cost Turkey varies between €50 and €250.
Root Canal Turkey
Turkey is home to so many European tourists who want to combine their treatment with a nice vacation. Antalya is the principal city with both dental and other health facilities as well as accommodation capabilities. The quality and technology behind the dental clinics in Turkey are no different than those you would find in European countries. However, the quality of dental clinics amazes tourists who visit Turkey for the first time. This is observed through patients' testimonials on websites or social media accounts.
Good research is vital to finding the best expertise and experience. A qualified dental clinic publicly writes every piece of information such as expertise it has, warranty conditions, detailed price plan, testimonials, and so on. Antlara Dental has 18 years of experience in Antalya and uses state-of-the-art technology.
Besides, we provide a sophisticated clinic environment for our patients. Our website also displays every detail you need to know before the consultation. Here is what you can find on our website.
- Detailed price plan for each treatment.
- Qualifications of our dental team. Most of our team members have more than 20 years of experience, which is enough to satisfy you with their background and certificates.
- The names of the brands we utilize for dental treatments: we are highly committed to using the best quality brands.
- Warranty conditions. On our website, we explain all warranty conditions for each treatment. And we are proud of saying that we stay behind whatever we say and published. We publish everything publicly, whatever we have promised.
- Testimonials. Our website presents hundreds of root canal before and after pictures and user-generated testimonials.
If you want to have a root canal in Antalya, we will be more than happy to help you.
How many sessions does Root Canal Treatment take in Turkey?
In some cases, the treatment can be handled only one visit; however, most patients require two sittings. During the first visit, the dentist removes the infection and fills the canal with temporary fillings. The second appointment is usually to assure the disinfection and sterilization of the surroundings. This time the dentist cleans the canal again and fills it with a rubber-like material.
Throughout the treatment, your tooth may become weak, and you may be in need of a crown. In this case, you need to wait until a custom-made tooth crown is prepared-which usually takes one or two weeks.
Root canal treatment has no tolerance for unsterile environments. Such an environment may spread inflammation to the other parts of the mouth. The main reason for bias against this treatment usually stems from the consequences of unsterile treatments.
Root Canal Treatment - FAQ
Do Root Canals Hurt?, Is Root Canal Painful?
The patients who need root canal treatment come to the clinic with unbearable pain. However, given the relief provided to the patient, the pain caused by the treatment can be insignificant. Even though some sedation is injected before the treatment, it would be incorrect to claim that the root canal is an easy treatment and cause no pain because of numbing. However, it would be fair to claim that with the help of numbing, the patients can easily manage the pain.
What Should I Expect After a Root Canal?
The numbing wouldn`t wear off as soon as the treatment finished. It takes several hours to subside. During this time, your dentist gives you a `not to do list`, which include staying away from hot or cold drinks, not eating certain foods, and so on.
How Many Days Do You Need For a Root Canal?
While some treatments are administered in just one appointment, most root canal treatments require 2 appointments. In some cases, a tooth crown may be needed to give strength to the tooth back. This also involves one more appointment with the dentist.
Does a Root Canal Weaken My Tooth?
The answer is, unfortunately, yes. This is because some healthy tissues are extracted from the tooth during the treatment. Consequently, in severe infections, dentists place tooth crowns; however, it should always be kept in mind that if a tooth is subjected to high chewing pressure, it may crumble.
Endodontics FAQ
Endodontics - AntalyaEndodontic treatment often refers to canal treatment. Among the dental treatments, the most feared treatment is usually root canal treatment. Today, root canal treatment is performed in one session in living teeth and usually in two sessions in lost teeth.
Root canal treatment is highly successful and usually lasts a lifetime, although on occasion, a tooth will have to be retreated due to new infections.
After the root canal treatment, it is aimed to cut the relationship of the tooth with the surrounding tissues, so that the infection does not occur again and if there is any damage to the surrounding tissues of the tooth, it is aimed to be repaired.
Signs & Symptoms:
- An abscess (or pimple) on the gums.
- Sensitivity to hot and cold.
- Severe toothache pain.
- Sometimes no symptoms are present.
- Swellingand/or tenderness.
- Age of veneers
- Poor adhesive
- Tooth decay
- Teeth grinding
- Lack of proper care
Emax veneers can fall out just like other veneers. The main reasons for their falls are;
- Identification of the problematic tooth by taking radiography.
- If the tooth is alive, local anesthesia is used to destroy the sensitivity of the tooth and surrounding tissues.
- Cleaning the caries in the enamel and dentin layers of the tooth and creating the space to reach the pulp.
- Isolation of the tooth by attaching a rubber dam.
- Determination of working length using electronic instruments and confirmation by radiography.
- Destruction and removal of infected dentin layers, microorganisms in the root canal using rotary instrument systems.
- Destruction of microorganisms with various root canal disinfectants when using rotary instrument systems in root canals.
- If the tooth is not alive when starting the root canal treatment, waiting for a certain time with a canal antiseptic to be placed in the root canal and filling the root blood at the next meeting.
You should stay away from compelling food until the treatment is over. There may be cases of tooth fracture or temporary filling. A sensitivity of several days after treatment is normal.
Following root canal treatment, especially after treatment of live teeth, the tooth may suffer a folding pain for several days or when the tooth is pressed. This is a normal pain that occurs after root canal treatment. Root canal treatment with a little protection is eliminated in a short time. Today, the success rate of canal therapies applied to the right treatment method reaches 90%.
It is the treatment to prevent tooth wall losses that occur during dental treatments. The method changes according to tissue loss.
- casting post,
- screw post,
- fiber post
During a root canal treatment, the inflamed or infected pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected, and then filled and sealed with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. Afterwards, the tooth is filled for protection and then crowned. After restoration, the tooth will continue to function normally.
Contrary to jokes about the matter, modern root canal treatment is very similar to having a routine filling and usually can be completed in one or two appointments; depending on the condition of your tooth and your personal circumstances. You can expect a comfortable experience during and after your appointment.
In people diagnosed with root canal treatment; tooth sensitivity, discoloration, toothache, swelling during chewing and at night can be seen.
- In bruises that have reached the nerve,
- In cases where nerves are damaged by trauma and force,
- It is applied to the teeth that lost their function.
Modern root canals are virtually painless. To make sure we reach our goal, we have always relied upon the latest, most state-of-the-art technology available. That’s why, for root canal treatments we keep Global dental microscopes in our arsenal.
According to studies, the success rate of root canal treatments is over 95%. In most cases, it can be used for life with regular oral care and dental examination.